Being grounded in the present enables a strong foundation to support being open to and progressing in mediumship.
It is important to note that each person goes at his or her own pace while proceeding with mediumship.
Free will and the associated decisions each makes to address his/her own personal issues are significant factors. Personal issues associated with anger, resentment, jealousy, expectation, acknowledgement, reward, power, control, status, etc. can impede mediumship progress. Additionally, being grounded in the present enables a strong foundation to support being open to and progressing in mediumship.
Mediums are called to serve in varying capacities or specialties such as, but not limited to, those examples listed below:
Some are called to develop mediumship or intuitive capabilities in more than one area. My work focuses on #1 to 6 above at this time.
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Seeking one’s higher self as aligned with divine wisdom and universal energy may reveal unexpected explanations from past lives when either receiving services from a Medium or when working to develop in Mediumship.
Regardless of the application of mediumship or intuition, this is sacred work. Thus, I aim to serve those with a sincere need. My work is dedicated to honor the sacred integrity of the spirits and the unconditional love of the Divine.
Mediumship work beyond an initial reading is available for those desiring an opportunity for soul level progression. Seeking one’s higher self as aligned with divine wisdom and universal energy may reveal unexpected explanations from past lives when either receiving services from a Medium or when working to develop in Mediumship.
As personal issues are addressed as mentioned at the top, I develop a customized program for each person to include the desired specialties of mediumship or intuition from those listed above #1-6.
Regardless of specialty, receiving the information is based upon the same divine wisdom or universal energy.
The opportunity is learning how to interpret the information sent from divine wisdom or universal energy as it is like another language to be learned whether connecting with one or multiple spirits. The amazing upside is that everyone can access this same language with pure intention and practice.
For a personalized reading, mentoring, customized workshops or specific speaking engagements on intuition and how to access it, feel free to contact Maryann Kelly.
Proprietary & Confidential, Intuitive Services Insight®. Any Copy, Distribution, Use Strictly Prohibited Without Written Permission.