Intuitive Medium & Beyond for Personal and Business Needs

The greatest forces are unseen yet profoundly evident, e.g., love, oxygen, intuition, spirit, energy.

Maryann Kelly is an Intuitive Medium, Medical Psychic, and Energy Healer

Maryann Kelly

Maryann was selected as an author in the #1 book series, Your Shift Matters, Surviving to Thriving that was published in mid-March, 2018.

She was asked to do a book review of Advanced Medical Intuition, Six Underlying Causes of Illness and Unique Healing Methods by renowned author and 4th generation medical intuitive, Tina Zion. Tina Zion.

Tina Zion also included her in Reiki and Your Intuition: A Union of Healing and Wisdom, a chapter written by Maryann regarding Intuition and Reiki Level 1 Attunement.

Ballroom Dance Photo Burgundy
Ballroom Dance Krystal Award

As Maryann mentions in her free gift to you, “From Skeptic to Champion of Making Intuition Intentional”, accessible via the SEND MY GIFT NOW button at the top, that ballroom dancing was and continues to be a catalyst for her intuition opening up to do this cherished work. Although Maryann had never attended any previous dance classes or played any sports at all, she started taking ballroom dance lessons in her mid-50s and now competes earning awards thanks to her dedicated and talented ballroom dance Pro teachers.

“What, is this all there is?”

This had been the recurring question since her childhood. Consistent with Maryann’s passion for answers, she was determined to find out more about this answer after an epiphany had happened on a casual Sunday afternoon.

Following a successful 33-year corporate career working globally, Maryann made a shift to follow her intuition in search of that answer. She went from corporate executive roles immersed in meetings, and metrics to being a medium now understanding how the universal principles of metaphysics, energy, and intuition allow communications with those passed over who are in fact, very much alive. These same principles of intuition also explained her insights regarding others’ holistic health.

As part of her journey, she earned certifications in both Advanced and Mastery Medical Intuition (Tina Zion Programs), Light Grid and Advanced Light Grid, Level I & II Reiki, Ethics, Legal Issues & Risk Management Strategies for Practitioners of Energy Healing Methods, and completed Animal Communication (Joan Ranquet Program) in addition to her university degrees in Information Systems and Finance. She also completed Spiritual Mediumship Programs and participated in the online Donna Eden Online Energy Medicine Curricula. She further complemented her studies by completing Energy Healing for Animals with the renown Joan Ranquet. Maryann completed coursework as part of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s programs and follows Dr. Bruce Lipton as both are renowned for their work consistent with scientific methods and demonstrating the impact of our minds and beliefs on physical outcomes as related to Epigenetics. She studied works of Dr. Valerie Hunt and Emilie Conrad who pioneered modalities related to Scalar Wave and she studied works of Nick Ortner related to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Maryann leverages other techniques related to the HeartMath Institute which has developed reliable, scientifically validated tools since 1991 helping people reduce and avoid stress while experiencing increased peace, satisfaction and enjoyment. She continually assesses other modalities and techniques to broaden options to help clients. For example, Brainspotting, is a focused method to identify, process, and release sources of discomfort. Via Mediumship, Maryann may identify and discuss such discomfort sources with the client whereas, brainspotting may be another tool which resonates with the client.

energy healing, energy medicine, vibrational medicine

She founded Intuitive Services Insight® to provide mediumship, mentorship, and speaking services. In addition, Maryann has broadened the application of intuition, as used in mediumship, to include Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and Scalar Wave. Intuition is the language of energy which is all around us. Just like we can be intuitive in varying ways, so energy modalities target specific needs.

To complement clients’ work in traditional healthcare modalities and/or to complement their work with licensed physicians, psychologists, and/or psychiatrists regarding conditions manifesting unease such as overwhelming or stressful life experiences, Maryann offers Complementary & Alternative Medicine methods (“CAM Methods). CAM Methods is a shared termed used to refer to a variety of mind-body approaches, energy techniques, shamanic processes, mediumship, and other approaches meant to promote health and well-being in mind, body, and spirit. Our veterans know far too well how stressful military service can be. Such clients have often spent decades trying many approaches towards alleviation of symptoms. While Maryann does not diagnose or treat specific medical or psychological conditions, she can partner with licensed health care providers to help clients deal with the stress of chronic health conditions. What has resulted in some relief is an integrated approach where Maryann provides a Holistic Health Reading and then she integrates in follow on sessions a customized non-invasive set of CAM Methods such as Past Life Regression, Cord/Entity Removals, EFT and/or Scalar Wave which can help both get at the energetic point of origin and enable elusive layers of unease to be addressed while empowering the client for daily living along the way. Maryann is delighted to collaborate with mainstream or holistic practitioners in the best interest of the client.

To represent the types of services and modalities that are intrinsically linked to intuition, Intuitive Services Insight is a Center of Energy Excellence, COEE. As a COEE, Maryann works with proven practitioners and is continuously seeking educators, programs, and literature to further aid others in their search for information and options regarding personal or professional matters. Maryann delivers services with the highest integrity and compassion for her clients.

Maryann’s credentials from her corporate career include her earning a Bachelor of Science with a dual major from St. Joseph’s University in Finance and Information Systems, Summa Cum Laude, on an accelerated basis while working in the medical profession. She has also earned an Advanced Project Management Certification from Stanford University and the prestigious Lloyd’s of London Reinsurance Certification.

*Please Note
While Maryann Kelly is an experienced practitioner of the modalities offered on this website, her services are not licensed by the state of New Jersey. She is not a psychotherapist, physician, or other licensed health care practitioner and does not provide psychological or medical diagnosis or treatments in her sessions. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information.

Want to learn more about her story and the epiphany that jump started her journey?

What’s The Center of Energy Excellence?

Benefits Beyond A Reading

Tracie Bork, Scientist, Endorses Maryann Kelly: Life Changing Experience Complex PTSD & Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS)

Energy Medicine Professional Association - Insured Practitioner - energy healing, energy medicine, vibrational medicin
Holistic Health Directory


Only positive energies for the greatest good; highest purpose; optimal health and well-being; comfort; and respect are to ever be in these sessions as associated with Divine Wisdom. There is respect and not judgement so all have a voice to be heard and honored. All are accepted to find, live, and stand strong in their TRUTH. SURRENDER is the strength to seek your greatest potential. WAITING is cherished patience when the gifts of gratitude and fulfillment await us. We are forever GROUNDED in the TRUST and KNOWING that LOVE prevails.

Reiki and your Intuition

Maryann’s content, “Reiki: A Contributing Catalyst Fueling Intuition!” in
Reiki and Your Intuition
by Tina Zion

Surviving to Thriving book

Maryann Kelly, author of
chapter “The Thunder of Intuition” in
Your Shift Matters: Surviving to Thriving

Becoming More of God

Maryann’s role as contributing editor; author of the Foreword section in
Being More of God
by Rich Braconi

So Now What

Maryann’s integral part of client’s grief healing
Consulting a Medium – So Now What?
by Alexandra McGroarty

Dear Me, I Love You

Maryann Kelly’s role in helping client’s healing from deep trauma
Dear Me, I Love You
by Kanchan Singh

Client Testimonials

Client Testimonials*
While Maryann Kelly cannot guarantee any specific results and the client testimonials posted on this website do not constitute a warranty or predication regarding the outcome an individual may experience using any of the services offered on this website for any particular issue, the clients providing testimonials on this website report having positive experiences. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information regarding client testimonials.

Clients from: USA, Canada, Germany, Hungary, Ukraine, Spain, Azores, Portugal, France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, Croatia, Jordan, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Ecuador, Israel, Iran, India, Africa & Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
click map to enlarge


“I have never encountered a person who is more motivated, reliable, honest and caring in delivering the best that she has to offer. Her courage and determination to learn, grow and expand has catapulted her into the healing field of service to others. She is a gifted intuitive who is able to deliver messages and information, as well as educating others to assist people on their path of healing.”

Lisa O’Brien, CRM, ERYT


“Maryann draws upon her decades of real world and real life experience to provide specific examples with practical applications that resonate and can be internalized so that I could then reapply her guidance in other situations of increasingly complex disruptive strategies. Moreover, Maryann’s international work ensures that she is sensitive and aware of cultural norms.”



“Maryann Kelly’s presentation on Intuition was very informative. She is quite a dynamic and engaging speaker, talking about her own experiences and making it real . The one-on-one intuitive sessions she had us doing with each other were fun, eye opening and made us think as to what we could do or not and how. I left the session wanting to know more. Thank you Maryann, great job!”

Dr. Bernadette Spector

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