Past Life Regression and Reading
Client Testimonials*
While Maryann Kelly cannot guarantee any specific results and the client testimonials posted on this website do not constitute a warranty or predication regarding the outcome an individual may experience using any of the services offered on this website for any particular issue, the clients providing testimonials on this website report having positive experiences. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information regarding client testimonials.
“Maryann was highly recommended to me as being a very skilled intuitive/energetic healer. I have to say I was not disappointed.
At the time I consulted Maryann, I had had stage 3 cancer as well as loss of use of my left hand and arm (as a result of nerve damage from an operation), peripheral neuropathy (caused by chemo) and a chronic lung infection that I had for the past 18 months.
Maryann was very quick to read my energy field and highlighted an issue I had with personal boundaries in this lifetime. When locating the origin of this issue she regressed me to a lifetime I had 18 lifetimes ago. This is something I had been carrying over lifetime after lifetime to the present. This regression did not seem strange as I could see myself in the previous lifetime. The whole process resonated with me and I could easily see how it was affecting my present life and, in particular, my current health.
For some time, I had suspected that there was some negative interference in my energy field. Once again, Maryann was quick to locate and remove negative/dark forces from my field. She achieved this in a very organised, systematic manner and took her time to make sure they were all removed. She talked me through the whole process so that I could feel what was going on. After this session I feel a lot lighter in myself and the blockages that I could feel under both arms had resolved.
For our second session Maryann had written an EFT script specifically for me. I am very familiar with EFT but have never met anyone who does it like Maryann – she truly is a master! When reading the script it was easy to see how accurately Maryann had intuitively read me. It was amazing. From the first reading it resonated with me and I could feel an energy shift.
Maryanne also did some scalar energy work on my left arm and hand. Afterwards, the pain in my hand had decreased 50% and my fingertips that are usually cold were warm.
She also took the time to explain some energy techniques, such as dowsing and toroidal field, that I could continue to do at home.
Maryann has a natural warmth and compassion that immediately makes you feel very comfortable. She also has the unique ability to combine intuition with practicality and leaves no stone unturned.
Maryann has an amazing gift and ability and I have no hesitation in recommending her.”

“Wow! It was a really interesting experience as I listened to Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®) detail the various lives I’ve lived. Maryann was quite descriptive and detailed in the information she shared and a lot of what she shared resonated with me and it gave me a better understanding of what and how my many strengths in this life originated from. It has also given me the confidence to trust and believe in my abilities which I have accumulated throughout my soul’s journey and to be confident to push forward in my path in this life. Many thanks to you Maryann.”
“I would recommend Intuitive Services Insight® for anyone who needs guidance in holistic body scanning readings, family who have passed, past life regression, or anyone who needs a mentor who truly wants to open up to their own intuition. For me Maryann has truly been a blessing in helping me in all of those readings and my spiritual growth journey. She is great at what she does and makes you feel so comfortable. Intuitive Services Insight is for anyone who is ready and open to heal.”
“I have never had a reading where the medium was so well prepared and gave so much detail. I asked Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®) to do a past life regression.She not only gave me details about each life, she saw a pattern in my lives which we discussed. She had so much information about the person I was, the time period that life was in, and the type of person I was. She not only gave you a great amount of information, she also allowed you to ask as many questions you needed answered. I was so awed by the experience, I set up another appointment to look into information about a second cousin. I would recommend Maryann to anyone who is serious about past lives.”
“I heartily recommend the services of Intuitive Services Insight®. Maryann’s skills and experience melded into a wonderful exploration of my past lives. Beyond the actual scenes presented, the lessons and insights from those lives and the connections to my current life are so valuable. I appreciate Maryann’s ability to communicate the complex and foreign into the simple and familiar. I have the most respect for Maryann’s integrity, concern and respect for her clients. If you are looking for the services of a medium or energy specialist, Maryann is amazing, please contact her.”
“I had a past life regression reading done with Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®) recently, and I have to say that is was remarkable! Each of the lives that Maryann was able to recall not only made sense to me but resonated completely with my current life today! It was as if the combination of each life’s purpose that Maryann recalled was sending me a message for my life’s journey today. As with the mediumship reading Maryann did for me, Maryann was able to hone in on the messages my soul was supposed to receive. I’m not sure how she does it, but I do know that she is very gifted! I highly recommend connecting with Maryann to help with understanding your soul’s purpose!”
“I had an awesome experience with Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®) during my Past Life Regression. She was able to facilitate a wonderful session revealing several of my past lives in significant detail including what lessons were learned in each life. Trends were also identified as well as correlations to physical manifestations and relationships. Maryann’s work is of the highest integrity and care for her clients. I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with her. ”
“Every time I have met with Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®), I have left with renewed energy. I requested a past life reading and received a better understanding of my true self, in today’s life. Maryann was able to help me see the aspects of my personality and character that have apparently followed me throughout many lives. Maryann puts in an incredible amount of work before you actually sit down with her. Then, she is spot on. That is truly a gift. Maryann helps you learn about yourself and focus more on the positive energy in your life. This kind of experience sends you out into the world with a much better view of everything. Working with Maryann is highly recommended.”
“I had an awesome experience during my Past Life Regression including accompanying Soul Portrait & Narrative with Intuitive Services Insight®. Maryann was able to facilitate a wonderful session revealing several of my past lives in significant detail including what lessons were learned in each life. Trends were also identified as well as correlations to physical manifestations and relationships. Work done by Intuitive Services Insight® is of the highest integrity and care for clients. I am delighted to have the 6th opportunity to work with Maryann.”
“Wow! It was a really interesting experience as I listened to Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®) detail the various lives I’ve lived. Maryann was quite descriptive and detailed in the information she shared and a lot of what she shared resonated with me and it gave me a better understanding of what and how my many strengths in this life originated from. It has also given me the confidence to trust and believe in my abilities which I have accumulated throughout my soul’s journey and to be confident to push forward in my path in this life. Many thanks to you Maryann.”
Paula Pennington Endorses Maryann Kelly: Past Life Regression Yields Renewed Energy For Self & Others
Jonathan Cabrera Endorses Maryann Kelly: Past Life Regression Connect Themes to Current Experience & Felt So At Ease
Dr Eileen Jason Endorses Maryann Kelly: Past Life Regression Reading
“I had Maryann at INTUITIVE SERVICES INSIGHT® do a past-life regression for me as I was extremely interested in recognizing patterns that I may have been using during different lives that no longer serve me. By examining my past lives and how I continued to use a “rescue pattern” it has alerted me to my tendency and helped to reinforce changes I have made, changes I need to make to be a healthier person. I was very impressed with how many ideas, habits, hobbies/vocations surfaced throughout my spiritual existence. These things I carry today were there all throughout my past lives, too. Amazing and enlightening! Thank you for your expertise!”
“I would like to start off by saying that Maryann, at Intuitive Services Insight®, is very kind, genuine, patient, caring and attentive. When I first met her I was immediately drawn to her calming and reassuring spirit. While grieving the loss of a loved one I had a chance encounter with Maryann who was able to quickly calm my nerves, give me clarity and much needed closure by giving me the exact words that I needed to hear from my loved one who recently passed. (This happened within the first 2-3 sentences that Maryann spoke to me). My reading with Maryann was amazing! I was blown away that she was able to provide so much insight and perspective into relationships and encounters with loved ones that have passed on. The messages that she passed on to me during our sessions have been truly invaluable.My past life regression reading was also very insightful. Maryann took her time with me and made sure that I understood everything she outlined in each of my past lives while helping me identify parallels in each life that can help me better navigate major milestones and lessons in this one. I really appreciate her being very in tune with my energy and very attentive especially when explaining complex concepts such as cord removal. (I’ve also had the opportunity to have a powerful cord removal session with Maryann that was both healing and settling for myself and a loved one who recently passed away.)
Without hesitation I would definitely recommend Intuitive Services Insight because Maryann is the best at what she does! She is a true gem and handles each of her clients with compassion and care. She’s thorough, understanding and patient. I cannot stop saying enough great things about Maryann and the work that she does. Its pure and genuine. After working with her I can honestly say that I feel lighter, more aware and more spiritually grounded under her mentorship and guidance. I am forever grateful. Maryann, thank you!”
“I’ve known Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®) for the past 24 years as my neighbor and my friend. We both had Corporate jobs and would keep an eye on each other’s houses if one of us was traveling. Little did I know that a random conversation at the mailbox would trigger an amazing change in direction for Maryann.Fast forward a couple of years and I discovered that Maryann had been having regular sessions with her mentor in Mediumship. Being the consummate professional that she had been in the corporate world, she began her studies in all aspects of the spiritual world. She then began offering a variety of sessions to connect her clients with the spirit world. The one that I was most intrigued by was the “Past Life Regression”. I was hoping to get more details on a message regarding my Ancestor, Emma, as we “had been best friends in a past life”. I gave Maryann some info about who Emma was and my connection to her so that she could prepare for my session.
We scheduled the session for early on a Friday morning at my house. Maryann began with a spiritual reading and then began describing my past “Lives”. I was shocked to discover that I had 7 past lives… beginning as a female Water Carrier in Mesopotamia, and progressing through 5 more lives in different countries all over the world – some as a female and some as a male. All of these lives were somehow related to water, one as the architect for aqueducts, one as a map maker for fishing routes, etc…
My 7th life was with Emma. Yes, we had been best friends. Emma was my great grandfather’s first wife and she had been very ill with respiratory problems. I learned that I helped to take care of her until her death in 1897 at age 38, leaving behind her two children, my Great Aunt Grace and Great Uncle Charles. It was so incredible to take such an amazing trip through centuries of lives and locations all over the world, and to finally understand my relationship with Emma.
The connection to water in each life rang true for me too. I was born on Long Island, NY so the Ocean was a big part of my life. In college I joined the Aquatic Arts team. Now living in New Jersey we enjoy the Jersey shore.
I can’t thank Maryann enough for opening my eyes to the universe that my soul has traveled through…I wonder where my spirit will take me next? ”