Making Intuition Intentional
Practical Application in Your Personal or Professional Life
International Virtual Sessions Available
Making Intuition Intentional
Practical Application in Your Personal or Professional Life
International Virtual Sessions Available
Custom Packages Available Beyond Initial Sessions
What is Meant by “Medium & Beyond”?
My Mediumship capabilities enable me to more uniquely integrate varying combinations of modalities. Thus, this can allow for more expeditious (1) surfacing of root causes; (2) identification of triggers; and/or (3) alleviation of undesired manifestations.
*Please Note
The modalities offered on this website are considered part of the field of Complementary & Alternative Medicine and thus, are outside traditional Western approaches to health and wellness. While Maryann Kelly is an experienced practitioner of these modalities, she is not a licensed health care practitioner. Therefore, it is not to be construed that the services she offers on this website are the practice of psychotherapy, medicine, or any other licensed health care service. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information.
What makes me a unique Medium is that I have spent over 4 decades in corporate positions in Health Care, IT, & Financial Services. I’d worked globally then and continue to work globally now. So, I get what it is like being on the front line. As a Medium, I can apply such skills to accelerate the surfacing of root cause or other information which may be elusive to aid in personal, health, or professional situations. I work to bring peace, comfort, and closure to clients seeking communications with passed over loved ones, (people or pets).
As a Medium, I serve those desiring additional input from a holistic health perspective to complement their existing care. From a Business perspective, my decades of corporate experience and Medium skills can aid in Strategic, Tactical, & Team efforts. I offer individual/group services and serve as a Mentor/Speaker.
I consider this work sacred to serve clients who have a sincere need or desire to connect with loved ones or to get additional heath insights. While some practitioners may offer services for more entertainment value to serve different needs, my work is dedicated to honor the sacred integrity of the spirits and the unconditional love of the Divine. Mediumship work beyond an initial Reading is available for those desiring an opportunity for soul level progression.
Spiritual Reading: “Maryann did multiple readings for me including those of family members passed over. The information was considerably detailed and accurate.”
Holistic Health Readings: “Maryann’s holistic health intuitive skills provided extremely accurate predictive information so that critical steps could be taken to avoid a situation with undesirable high impact.”
Cord Removal: “I felt relief, peace, happiness, and overall Zen.”
Dark Entity Removal: “I have seen a number of energy healing practitioners, but so far no one has been able to pick up that there were dark entities attached to me. Thank you very much for guiding me through the process of releasing these dark entities. It was so powerful and the energy connection was so strong that I actually felt as if you were right there next to me.
Past Life Regression: “It was as if the combination of each life’s purpose was sending me a message for my life’s journey today.”
Combined Spiritual and Holistic Health Reading: “As I reached out for the knob, the door swung open, ‘Good morning, L!’. We’d never met before – but this seemed a good start for an intuitive session. The rest of our time was equally as energetic and familiar. Maryann used family names and spoke about their traits as only an insider could. She made me feel at ease, and I left the session lighter than I had entered. It is clear that Maryann is brilliant at what she does; I definitely recommend her services.”
Intuition Coaching and Mentoring
For those who wish to have the opportunity to develop their own abilities to communicate with loved ones and/or to recognize their own intuition, I offer mentorship services.
Everyone is capable of receiving messages from loved ones. If you want to have the opportunity to learn how to recognize your own intuition and be able to apply it for personal reasons or business reasons, individual or group sessions are available. Receiving messages and recognizing your intuition are considered to be based upon universal energy. Interpreting this universal energy is a process similar to learning a language for communication.
Given the integration of my intuition in business over 33 years, my mentorship services also apply to professionals wishing to tap into their own internal resource for workplace performance.
I enjoy being a speaker at events to inspire others or to conduct seminars for private or corporate groups.
Client Testimonials*
While Maryann Kelly cannot guarantee any specific results and the client testimonials posted on this website do not constitute a warranty or predication regarding the outcome an individual may experience using any of the services offered on this website for any particular issue, the clients providing testimonials on this website report having positive experiences. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information regarding client testimonials.
“Maryann Kelly has assisted me one-on-one and I have observed her speak in group settings. She is (as they would say in Boston) “wicked smart”. Her experience as a C-suite player enables an enormous amount of insight to those who have business issues they wish to address in her readings. As an intuitive, I have a high degree of confidence in her readings and have found her insight to be very helpful. ”

“Maryann provided me with an amazingly accurate picture of my health and picked up on very detailed info. My health history includes a high risk of ovarian cancer. She was able to put my mind at ease and provide confirmation that I am doing the right things to monitor my situation.”
“Thank you so much for the reading today. We are still amazed by what was said and how [my loved one] came through for us. Today we have some peace and some understanding of the spiritual world. I know you took extra time with us and I truly appreciate it. I hope to have more readings with you.”
“Maryann provided outstanding services related to contract revisions optimizing competitive terms keeping in mind risk, liability, and target market penetration; commercial writing; marketing strategies; processes facilitating operational excellence and best practices; and grant applications.”
Only positive energies for the greatest good; highest purpose; optimal health and well-being; comfort; and respect are to ever be in these sessions as associated with Divine Wisdom. There is respect and not judgement so all have a voice to be heard and honored. All are accepted to find, live, and stand strong in their TRUTH. SURRENDER is the strength to seek your greatest potential. WAITING is cherished patience when the gifts of gratitude and fulfillment await us. We are forever GROUNDED in the TRUST and KNOWING that LOVE prevails.
Insight News
Reiki: A Contributing Catalyst Fueling Intuition!
Reiki is a contributing catalyst fueling my intuition opening up and enabling me to be a better version of myself. From scientific and philosophical perspectives, what happened to me when neuroplasticity and metaphysics intersected, was that a burst of intuition resulted further developing my intuition.
The Role of Constructive Interference in Mediumship
For those with an interest in science/mathematics, constructive interference is the process in which two or more waves of energy of the same frequency combine to reinforce each other, and the amplitude of the resulting wave is equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the combining waves.
Good Vibrations: More Than A Song Title
What’s in a Reading? While doing readings to either connect with loved ones passed over or to offer holistic health information to complement other medical data, the person conducting the reading has to be open to many ways that information is received.