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If the options are not suitable to your schedule, please contact Maryann with your time zone and she will offer other options.
Past Life Regression Reading

Past Life Regression – See Testimonials

“I have never had a reading where the medium was so well prepared and gave so much detail. I asked Maryann, Intuitive Services Insight®, to do a past life regression.She not only gave me details about each life, she saw a pattern in my lives which we discussed. She had so much information about the person I was, the time period that life was in, and the type of person I was. She not only gave you a great amount of information, she also allowed you to ask as many questions you needed answered. I was so awed by the experience, I set up another appointment to look into information about a second cousin. I would recommend Maryann to anyone who is serious about past lives.” – Eileen Santarlasci
“Wow! It was a really interesting experience as I listened to Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight™) detail the various lives I’ve lived. Maryann was quite descriptive and detailed in the information she shared and a lot of what she shared resonated with me and it gave me a better understanding of what and how my many strengths in this life originated from. It has also given me the confidence to trust and believe in my abilities which I have accumulated throughout my soul’s journey and to be confident to push forward in my path in this life. Many thanks to you Maryann.” – Monica Moo Chen Ling
During a Spiritual Reading to connect with loved ones or during a Holistic Health Reading, information regarding Past Lives may be revealed. As much Past Life Reading information is incorporated into the session as possible. However, clients desiring to have a separate subsequent session, after an initial reading, to focus on past lives may benefit from an intuitive past life viewing offering additional deeper insights about patterns or situations; life lessons; and yield a more profound experience enabling understanding, inner peace, and joy.
It’s possible for you to:
Past Life Regression:
Pricing Available on Appointments Page
Fee includes work done in advance of and in preparation for the Past Life Regression 60 min per person session.
At least one Holistic Health or Spiritual Connect with Loved Ones Reading needs to be done in advance of scheduling a Past Life Regression to optimize results.
Combination Packages:
Package Rates available for multiple sessions.
Payable in advance via PayPal.
Contact Maryann for more information.
Client Testimonials*
While Maryann Kelly cannot guarantee any specific results and the client testimonials posted on this website do not constitute a warranty or predication regarding the outcome an individual may experience using any of the services offered on this website for any particular issue, the clients providing testimonials on this website report having positive experiences. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information regarding client testimonials.
“Every time I have met with Maryann, Intuitive Services Insight®, I have left with renewed energy. I requested a past life reading and received a better understanding of my true self, in today’s life. Maryann was able to help me see the aspects of my personality and character that have apparently followed me throughout many lives. Maryann puts in an incredible amount of work before you actually sit down with her. Then, she is spot on. That is truly a gift. Maryann helps you learn about yourself and focus more on the positive energy in your life. This kind of experience sends you out into the world with a much better view of everything. Working with Maryann is highly recommended. ” – Paula Pennington
“I had an awesome experience during my Past Life Regression including accompanying Soul Portrait & Narrative. Maryann was able to facilitate a wonderful session revealing several of my past lives in significant detail including what lessons were learned in each life. Trends were also identified as well as correlations to physical manifestations and relationships. Work done by Intuitive Services Insight® is of the highest integrity and care for clients. I am delighted to have the 6th opportunity to work with Maryann.” – Jonathan Cabrera
Paula Pennington Endorses Maryann Kelly: Past Life Regression Yields Renewed Energy For Self & Others
Jonathan Cabrera Endorses Maryann Kelly: Past Life Regression Connect Themes to Current Experience & Felt So At Ease
Dr Eileen Jason Endorses Maryann Kelly: Past Life Regression Reading