Ideally, what primary and secondary holistic products and services are you inspired to offer and via what means and locations?
Make your intuition intentional. What is a realistic approach? What fears surface and how to address them?
Once you have decided to provide Medium related services to others by providing readings; functioning as a Mentor; conducting workshops; or being a speaker for others in exchange for bartered services from the other party or in the form of monetary currency, other factors need to be considered and addressed such as, but not limited to those listed below for example:
Scroll below the photo to see available mentoring packages.

Mentoring sessions are available with 3 options and various quantities to fit your unique situation.
Option A: Three (3) Months from date of contract execution
Qty 1 – 3 hour Working Sessions: One on One Defining or Refining Action Steps
Qty 2 – 1.5hr Coaching and Integration Sessions: One on One
Qty 6 – Coaching Checkpoints: Every Other Week for 30 mins by phone, or email as preferred
Option B: Four (4) Months from date of contract execution Most Comprehensive Option!
Qty 3 – 3 hour Working Sessions: One on One; 1st Two Working Sessions Scheduled In Beginning
Working Session One of Three: Discovery, Goal Setting, and Baseline
Working Session Two of Three: Determining Action Steps to Achieve Goals
Working Session Three of Three: Revelations Requiring Any Revisions & How’s Truth, Trust, and Surrender Going?
Qty 2 – 1.5 hr Coaching and Integration Sessions: One on One
Qty 8 – Coaching Checkpoints: Every Other Week for 30 mins by phone, or email as preferred
Option C: Hourly Pay as You Go
For a personalized reading, mentoring, customized workshops or specific speaking engagements on intuition and how to access it, feel free to contact Maryann Kelly.
Proprietary & Confidential, Intuitive Services Insight®. Any Copy, Distribution, Use Strictly Prohibited Without Written Permission.