Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) for People
Client Testimonials*
While Maryann Kelly cannot guarantee any specific results and the client testimonials posted on this website do not constitute a warranty or predication regarding the outcome an individual may experience using any of the services offered on this website for any particular issue, the clients providing testimonials on this website report having positive experiences. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information regarding client testimonials.
“I have been working with Maryann for several sessions now and the layers of the onion continue to be peeled. Following is a snapshot of a couple of “layers” that have been addressed.
Layer 1 – I am free of food anxieties. This is a huge emotional change for me. Previously, I would always be concerned if there was enough food around me, or if I was “getting my fair share.” This anxiety was due to present and past life food scarcity issues. Maryann visualized past life experiences of food scarcity, and we conducted an exercise which resolved all food anxiety issues. Additionally, I had the firm mindset that I would not be able to lose any weight permanently, and all weight loss was only temporary. However, after working with Maryann, I know I can lose weight and keep it off the rest of my life.
Layer 2 – I am released from emotional triggers (and fear). Previously, I would fly off the handle at the smallest criticism or comment. But now it’s like water rolling off a duck’s back. Comments or criticisms no longer bother me. It is so freeing!! Additionally, I do not “feel the fear of criticism” as I had previously. Also, I am more confident in asking for what I desire, whereas previously I felt like I didn’t deserve the simplest things in life.
I feel truly blessed to have found Maryann and know that all my hopes and dreams for my life are possible. She is very special lady and if you ever have the opportunity to work with her, jump in with everything you got! You will not be disappointed.”
“Maryann was highly recommended to me as being a very skilled intuitive/energetic healer. I have to say I was not disappointed.
At the time I consulted Maryann, I had had stage 3 cancer as well as loss of use of my left hand and arm (as a result of nerve damage from an operation), peripheral neuropathy (caused by chemo) and a chronic lung infection that I had for the past 18 months.
Maryann was very quick to read my energy field and highlighted an issue I had with personal boundaries in this lifetime. When locating the origin of this issue she regressed me to a lifetime I had 18 lifetimes ago. This is something I had been carrying over lifetime after lifetime to the present. This regression did not seem strange as I could see myself in the previous lifetime. The whole process resonated with me and I could easily see how it was affecting my present life and, in particular, my current health.
For some time, I had suspected that there was some negative interference in my energy field. Once again, Maryann was quick to locate and remove negative/dark forces from my field. She achieved this in a very organised, systematic manner and took her time to make sure they were all removed. She talked me through the whole process so that I could feel what was going on. After this session I feel a lot lighter in myself and the blockages that I could feel under both arms had resolved.
For our second session Maryann had written an EFT script specifically for me. I am very familiar with EFT but have never met anyone who does it like Maryann – she truly is a master! When reading the script it was easy to see how accurately Maryann had intuitively read me. It was amazing. From the first reading it resonated with me and I could feel an energy shift.
Maryanne also did some scalar energy work on my left arm and hand. Afterwards, the pain in my hand had decreased 50% and my fingertips that are usually cold were warm.
She also took the time to explain some energy techniques, such as dowsing and toroidal field, that I could continue to do at home.
Maryann has a natural warmth and compassion that immediately makes you feel very comfortable. She also has the unique ability to combine intuition with practicality and leaves no stone unturned.
Maryann has an amazing gift and ability and I have no hesitation in recommending her.”
“I had been in pain impacting my daily living for over a decade and countless traditional resources could offer no answers or means of real relief. Maryann, at Intuitive Services Insight, has conducted Emotional Freedom Tapping, EFT, on both me and on several of my pets yielding measurable improvements. Given my advanced scientific credentials and previous lengthy work experience, I’m used to measuring and baselining. I would, for example, be at a pain level of 9 out of 10 and having significant difficulty standing up straight or moving. I’d also previously been familiar with standard EFT scripts; however, Maryann writes customized EFT scripts to really resonate with each individual such that the situation is validated in detail; a specific path forward is defined; and her clients, like me, are empowered to release past programs that manifest in a variety of unintentional and yet self-sabotaging ways impacting mobility, etc. At the end of an EFT session which may be combined with Scalar Wave, another modality Maryann offers, I would measure my pain level to be reduced to 1.5 and further reductions in symptoms were experienced in the days ahead. I continue to use Maryann’s EFT & Scalar Wave services due to their effectiveness as issues/symptoms arise. The origin of the individual client’s symptoms is a factor in how these sessions are conducted and if/how further sessions may be warranted. I would highly recommend consideration of Maryann’s Intuitive Services Insight®. She has her client’s best interest at heart and seeks to find the fastest and most effective approach. This work is truly her passion.”

“I consulted Maryann regarding a family concern. She was so understanding and able to “feel” what was happening. I felt an immediate connection with her. Maryann prepared a personalized Emotional Freedom Technique script helping me to navigate through a very difficult family situation which weighed heavily oh my heart. The details of the Emotional Freedom script were personalized to every detail, which included each member of my immediate family whom she had never met. What is truly amazing, the personal information she collected intuitively demonstrated her keen insight and abilities. She has never met anyone in my family and the script read as if she knew each of them intimately. The EFT lifted both the emotional and physical symptoms brought on by this family trauma. I felt dramatic relief and exhilaration. It was profound to have the burden lifted. It made me understand the interconnectedness of all our lives and it is no accident that people like Maryann come into our lives. I am reminded to trust the twist and turns of life’s journey and there are gifted healers like Maryann to help you through challenges.”
“I had been having such severe back pain that it was severely impacting movement. I had been trying traditional, integrative, and holistic modalities in search of relief. When I had spoken with Maryann remotely via phone, she immediately identified the energetic root cause. In fact, she hit the nail on the head. She authored an individualized Emotional Freedom Tapping, (EFT), Script to surface, target, and evict this root cause. We executed this EFT script together, and it resonated in a resounding way. Next, Maryann did Scalar Wave which further released blocks in an unmistakable fashion. Before we began, my pain level was an 8 out of 10 when my basic movements were severely limited. Within 1.5 hrs, my pain level was down to a 4 out of 10, and I could drive, run an errand, and keep my client appointments. By the next morning, the pain was even further substantially decreased. These results were achieved remotely! Maryann explained that the body does indeed remember even though we may not want it to do so. With her laser focus while putting me at ease, she went to work, and the tangible results are indisputable. While there is understandable doubt about energy work, when you find someone of integrity and expertise like Maryann, it’s truly a blessing and a relief. I highly recommend Maryann.”
“I’ve known Maryann for years and initially contacted her recently regarding my finger that remained in a partially closed painful position close to my palm such that it was very painful to fully close my hand completely, and I had been awakened multiple times, during the night, by pain radiating to my hand and wrist.
Due to COVID, I had not wanted to venture to my health care provider’s office, and I knew that Maryann worked globally and remotely with clients via ZOOM or phone. During a ZOOM session, Maryann explained that the specific finger impacted on my right hand was associated with the trauma of grief resulting from my father’s recent passing. She also explained grief in the context of emotions and their high to lower vibrations. She’d written an Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT) script especially for me that really resonated to my core which enabled me to acknowledge, process, and release emotions associated with this overall grief trauma involving actually both of my parent’s passing. [My Mother passed some years ago.] As she gently guided me through how my EFT script was to be executed, she also communicated messages to me from my parents passed over which made the experience all the more amazing.
After EFT, she ran Scalar Wave which lifted the heaviness of the grief from my body. At the end of the session, I could open my right hand much more such that the impacted finger was significantly loosened. Moreover, I felt so much lighter overall. I slept so much better and my hand and wrist did not awaken me throughout the night with pain as had been happening. While our bodies age and have anatomical issues, it is also noteworthy to experience just how much is not confined to anatomical constraints, and that the energy we can each indeed harness can release us from pain and from the associated physical manifestations. It’s marvelous what Maryann can do remotely addressing not only what you bring to her but also what she finds as part of the comprehensive real root cause.”
“I was told by a counselor my daughter should learn how to do tapping. I have been waiting for almost 7 months. When Maryann told me she teaches this technique, I knew she would be the BEST person to teach my daughter how to use the strategy. She is using the tapping strategy she was taught on Friday and told me on Monday [a couple of days later] to make sure I sent Maryann a big THANK YOU. She reports how calm she feels when she taps under her eye. She said it has helped with her friends. Before she would get all frustrated and feel like she needed to pull her hair out. Now she just taps under her eye or taps her wrists together and is immediately calm. From a mom who has been struggling watching her daughter be pulled in by difficult emotions and shut off the world, I have seen a beautiful smile and light energy come from my beautiful daughter. THANK YOU SO MUCH!”
“I kept my hard earned wisdom, but evicted wisdom teeth pain NON-INVASIVELY! I’ve known Maryann for almost 5yrs and have taken advantage of several of her services. Most recently, I had pain from impacted wisdom teeth. Like many, my livelihood has been COVID impacted as I am a ballroom dance teacher so all the more important that an non-invasive option was successful. Consistent with how Maryann works, she blends modalities for client specific situations. As a result of a blended application of Mediumship, Scalar Wave & Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT), not only has the pain been alleviated, but I no longer feel the pressure of the impacted position of my wisdom teeth. I also like that I was again actively involved and had a significant part to play in this process. This is another hallmark about how Maryann works in that she takes the time to teach you tools you can use in the future. I highly recommend Maryann from Intuitive Services Insight®.”