Constructive interference is the process in which two or more waves of energy of the same frequency combine to reinforce each other.
For those with an interest in science/mathematics, constructive interference is the process in which two or more waves of energy of the same frequency combine to reinforce each other, and the amplitude of the resulting wave is equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the combining waves.
This is relevant as ultimately, we are comprised of energy. We feel the reality and result of this daily as we continually interact with others and as we each go about daily activities. A common expression is that someone has good or bad vibes. While we cannot see energy in the form of these vibes, we can certainly feel the effect. When we are around others with say positive energy, we feel better. We feel a boost.
Scroll below to learn more about vibrations and frequencies.

When we are in harmony with the universe, things feel right and flow.
When we do an activity that we enjoy, we feel a boost, and time flies. When we are in harmony with the universe, things feel right and flow. On a more universal scale, this boost applies as well when communicating with those passed over as we are still using energy. Energy is the fuel of mediumship or intuition. On a macro or broad scale, the more we are trying to support a universal good in our family, among friends, at work, etc., the greater the potential of aligning with energy that is constructively interfering and fueling an optimal outcome. On a micro or more individual scale, the same is true even when, we each alone, are striving to be part of the greater constructive interference.
In mediumship, the more open and accepting we are of allowing the greater potential to unfold exponentially, beyond say the sum of the amplitudes of combining waves of energy, the clearer the communications and closer the alignment with the universal good.
For a personalized reading, mentoring, customized workshops or specific speaking engagements on intuition and how to access it, feel free to contact Maryann Kelly.
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