All options listed for Service appointments are in Eastern Time.

If the options are not suitable to your schedule, please contact Maryann with your time zone and she will offer other options.

Spiritual Clearing of Property Areas (Land, Structure, Room, Home) or Vehicle

space clearing services

“As a child, I adored my grandparents, but felt uncomfortable in their house. It felt sad and heavy. Even when visiting as an adult, it was slightly unsettling to be in the house, especially certain areas of it. My sister and brother also felt this way and later even my child expressed a similar feeling about the home. I always assumed this had to do with grief my grandparents experienced over the loss of several of their children.

My mother moved back into her childhood home to help my grandmother after my grandpa passed. When Grandma passed, the house became my mom’s, but she felt increasingly unhappy there. Even driving up the driveway, she felt the low energy weigh on her. She considering selling the house and moving, though that did not make financial sense for her at the time. She reached out to Maryann for a house clearing.

The results have been amazing!! The heaviness is gone. When I visit, there are no areas where I feel uncomfortable. My siblings and child also feel at ease in the house now. My mother has decided to stay and feels this is truly her home now, finally free of a sad past. Maryann discovered that the heavy feeling in the house and around the property was not just from my grandparents’ experiences, but also from other people and happenings connected to the property. We are so grateful for the healing that occurred and the peace we now enjoy in our family space!” — Walt

“Maryann, Intuitive Services Insight®, did a Spiritual Clearing of my home and the associated land. The sincerity of her focused intention was palpable as she thoroughly went from room to room, ceiling to floor, with sage and then sweetgrass. It’s clear that she considers her work sacred, and I am certain that no one else could have done a better clearing for my home and property given her attention to detail and caring.” – Jon

“I had a great experience during my Spiritual Reading and Vehicle Clearing with Intuitive Services Insight®. I appreciated Maryann’s focus during our session while still allowing for the space to ask questions. During the vehicle clearing, Maryann went above and beyond “clearing.” Past removing unwanted energy, she connected themes from our previous reading in order to provide meaningful insight about relationships and spiritual growth. What also stood out to me was the practical application Maryann provided. She gave concrete examples to illustrate her insights as well as provided helpful exercises to maintain the positive energy. Maryann beautifully blends spiritual and practical aspects in her readings, which tend to “keep on giving” past session. Thank you, Maryann.” – Kris

“Several months after my initial session, I requested a land and home clearing as well as having another session with Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight™) regarding insights on my path and continued development of my intuitive skills via holistic work. After this session, I reported to Maryann: “The house and car cleansing really put my mind at ease in knowing that our land and home now are now protected. The session with Maryann about whether I was following my path in this lifetime really hit the mark when she described what it was that I felt in my heart. Thank you Maryann, this has given both me and my husband something we have always believed in but could now proceed with confidence and certainty.” – Monica Moo Chen Ling

“I can’t thank Maryann enough for her help with a dilemma involving my furry cherub, Bani. Without warning, Bani started acting uncharacteristically high-strung and nervous. Over the duration of a few days, her behavior became increasingly more erratic, jumping up like a bat out of hell and running into another room in the house when attempting to nap after exercise. She would follow me, attached to me like velcro, wherever I went and would not let me out of her sight. The last straw was a sleepless night – for both of us – as she couldn’t settle herself. I felt something was happening energetically, but I did not have the expertise to decipher what was happening.

I reached out to Maryann for help. After eliminating any noticeable physical ailments, she asked that I send her pictures of Bani and the outside of my house – both front and back – for her to connect energetically. Within minutes she was able to detect additional energies in my house – not negative energies, but energies other than mine that Bani could detect but could not understand.

Maryann did an energetic clearing of my property, including my house and two sheds in the backyard. Within minutes, I could detect the change energetically, and Bani’s energy changed as if a light switch had gone off! For the first time in almost a week, Bani and I were able to get a good night’s sleep, and she was back to her usual, sweet self.

It’s truly an amazing gift Maryann has to help with pets – and their owners. Her ability to connect energetically across a property – including additional structures – and clear energy is wonderful. I would recommend Maryann for all energy oddities as well as any pet healing.” – Eileen Jason, Ph.D

Property Clearing – See Testimonials

Similar to how cords or entities impact people, diverse types of energy forms, can reside or be associated with a piece of land, structure, or vehicle causing undesired impacts. For these space clearing services, I will advise as to when this work can be finished depending upon findings per the assessment done.

Spiritual Clearing of Property (Land, Structure, Room, Home)
Pricing Available on Appointments Page
for residential property areas per 3000 sq ft home/structure including the associated land per 1 acre

Spiritual Clearing of Vehicle
Pricing Available on Appointments Page

If the residential property home/structure is greater than 3000 sq ft and/or has more than 1 acre of land, please send Maryann a note with the square footage of the home/structure and with the acreage associated with the property, and Maryann will send a quote for these Spiritual Clearing of Property Areas Services.

Next, your phone number, the street address of the property (not a PO BOX) and pictures of the property, including the front, back, side(s) of the exterior of the property; and a picture of each room of the interior of the home or other structures (shed/barn); and/or 1 picture of the vehicle, including the front of the vehicle, are to be sent via email, the same day that you make the appointment, to

No more than 25 pictures of the property are to be sent please. Pictures do not need to be fancy. Pictures should be taken with the intention to show the most content per picture which then allows the needed information to be provided in 25 pictures total. Pictures must be received a full 14 business days in advance of the planned ZOOM session so that there is time to do the actual clearing work in advance of the Zoom session please.

Clients sending pictures warrant that pictures are allowed to be shared and are not infringing any copyright or other protection.

For vehicle clearings, there is no need to include any license plate information as such is not relevant to this work. Include the same client name as is associated with the request for these services in the emails with the photos for the property or vehicle so that I know which photos are for which client. If there are questions about the photos or the process, such will be addressed during the phone session.

Two weeks after receipt of your phone number and corresponding pictures, I will advise as to when the clearing can be done. When the clearing can be done depends upon assessment findings or how much has to be cleared. After the clearing is done, I will contact you via email to schedule a phone session to review the findings.

It’s possible for you to:

  • Determine if unwanted energies are associated with your home/residential property or vehicle

  • Explain curious events, noises

  • Obtain peace of mind

Client Testimonials*
While Maryann Kelly cannot guarantee any specific results and the client testimonials posted on this website do not constitute a warranty or predication regarding the outcome an individual may experience using any of the services offered on this website for any particular issue, the clients providing testimonials on this website report having positive experiences. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information regarding client testimonials.

Jonathan Cabrera Endorses Maryann Kelly Home Energy Clearing Service: Zen & Light Experience

“I am so glad that I reached out to Maryann for a home clearing for loved ones who recently purchased their first home. The house, built in the late 1800s, is near my own home, and I have always admired it. So, I really enjoyed now being in the home to help clean and paint, except for a few spaces that gave me an uneasy feeling.

I offered the option of a clearing and after getting the go ahead, I sent Maryann pictures of the home and property as well as the address. We agreed that she would fit the clearing into her schedule when able as there was no hurry since my loved ones would not be moving in for several weeks.

I spent quite a bit of time in the home before the move-in date. On a Sunday, I had been working in the house before going outside to help clean out one of the barns. When I reentered the home that day, I was struck by how lovely the energy felt as I went up the stairwell. Something had changed. Just minutes later, Maryann texted me to tell me that she had finished her work. Wow!

When we later spoke to review the findings of the home clearing, I was stunned again. The exact places that I had felt uneasy before were where she described finding un-ascended souls (I had not shared the locations with her previously). She also described stagnant energy in a particular room that she said felt like “heartache”, not like the grief of a loved one dying, but the loss of a relationship. Once again, Maryann was amazingly accurate in this statement. I had not shared with her that the room she was describing was the previous owner’s bedroom and that he had gone through a broken engagement that necessitated selling the place.

Not only did Maryann clear the stagnant energy in my loved ones’ home, cars, and property and assist souls in moving on to a better existence, she also brought a message back to us. During the clearing, she interacted with several indigenous souls who had long stayed with the property. They asked for my loved ones to be open to diversity and to be kind to the land, noting that it had worked so hard to support so many for so long. It was a beautiful message and one my loved ones needed to hear.

Thank you, MaryAnn for giving those souls a voice and for doing this important work!” — Walt

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