
Client Testimonials*
While Maryann Kelly cannot guarantee any specific results and the client testimonials posted on this website do not constitute a warranty or predication regarding the outcome an individual may experience using any of the services offered on this website for any particular issue, the clients providing testimonials on this website report having positive experiences. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information regarding client testimonials.

”Maryann’s mentoring in project management grounded me in fundamentals so that I can leverage what I have learned for decades to come throughout my career. While she focused on concrete examples applicable to my current work, she took the opportunity as well to explain how much more broadly and deeply principles of project management, like risk management, could apply across financial risk, reputational risk, market risk, & operational risk which all have both tactical and strategic implications. Along with mentoring in the practicality of IT estimating; budget management; change management; Statements of Work; deliverables management; benefits realization; and vendor management, she incorporated so much including actual examples about the importance of soft skills in people/project team leadership; vendor negotiations; and critical situation management. She heightened my appreciation for identifying leading indicators to both optimize results and to avoid risks/issues and for how an isolated anomaly may really be the beginning of a new trend warranting notice. The role play examples she integrated throughout this mentoring palpably illustrated that effective communications is key to success and team motivation. Time flew by during my sessions as the fundamentals were comprehensively covered within the context of her plethora of on-site and virtual team examples drawing upon her decades of global experience responsible for impacts into the billions. Maryann is passionate about helping others learn, and her enthusiasm and humor make her mentoring sessions productive, invaluable, and enjoyable.”

Vikram Shah

”Three (3) other colleagues and I formed a specialized business in a new industry such that there is limited baseline or comparative information available. Having been previously delighted with Maryann’s breadth and depth of business skills and acumen in doing work involving my other multi-faceted businesses, my colleagues and I sought her expertise again. Although Maryann did not have any experience at all in this new industry, this was no obstacle for her. Within 3 days, she had consumed the relevant industry information available and produced a robust Business Plan, Pitch Deck, & Summary document to be used for our presentations to investors and to a myriad of other stakeholders. At the end of a week’s time, she had incorporated additional collaborative input from us while also posing pivotal questions for our strategic and tactical consideration taking into consideration local and national socioeconomic factors; seasonality and cyclicality of product/service delivery; business continuity and risk management; joint community partnering and messaging; and investor positioning. Throughout the process, she kept us fully engaged and informed while providing us templates for on-going use to launch our business and to assess predictive metrics as we establish our own baseline according to expected financial metrics. Maryann’s decades of global experience working at Executive Levels helped us further define our roles and our priorities for competitive advantage. We haven’t witnessed someone work with such speed while amassing new subject matter expertise and producing outstanding deliverables while also providing such a value-added experience along the way. My colleagues and I would highly recommend Maryann Kelly for her mentoring and business consulting expertise.”

Eugene LaPierre
”I was offered a role to be on Maryann’s (Intuitive Services Insight®) team in a capacity that I had not done previously. With her hallmark boundless energy and enthusiasm that I quickly came to experience, she welcomed me warmly and taught me more about the subject matter in record time before I realized it. She went out of her way to practice presentations with me and asked some of her peers to also provide a safe environment for preliminary presentations of highly technical subject matter with significant business and regulatory impact so that within a couple of months, I was leading the presentation among Executive and Senior Leadership. Previous to this point, during 15 yrs of my career, I likely never would have met let alone presented to this Executive audience on, what became, a regular basis. Maryann really has a talent and passion in bringing out previously unknown or unused talents and skills and further developing existing skills. Her mentoring style is such she drives the right amount of accountability with skill mastery and infuses confidence consistent with aptitude and performance.

“I fortunately had the opportunity to be on her team again, in another company, to enjoy yet another experience of further growth in yet different subject matter areas and growth in leadership/professional development. Maryann is most accommodating to the ‘whole person’, and finds ways to make things work out well for varying facets of life and for the employer. She has gone out of her way to ensure that I get the limelight, but I know she’ll be the first to take the bullet as well. It doesn’t get better than that.”


”Working with Maryann has changed my life. Her intuition and feedback is spot on. She helped me to get clear about what I needed to focus on in order to reach my goals. I have been practicing the action steps she gave me and I now feel more peaceful, openhearted and excited about my future. Thank you, Maryann!”

E.J. Shapiro

Effectiveness & Ethics

M. Marcinko

“I am fortunate to have an ongoing mentoring relationship with Maryann Kelly, an extremely knowledgeable and compassionate medical intuitive, medium and spiritual energy practitioner. Her guidance has been invaluable in addressing practitioner-client interactions and psychic and energetic protection for my work as a professional metaphysical reader. Her techniques help me to stay balanced and energized, even when dealing with the most challenging of cases. I wholeheartedly recommend Maryann to any professional seeking clarity and guidance in their intuitive, spiritual, and energy healing client work.”

C. Boyd

“Maryann is a gem. Her life experiences serve as the backdrop of so many interesting stories to help understand how intuition can be applied and to demonstrate different ways mediumship can be used to benefit others. Mentoring under Maryann is the best investment I’ve made in myself and my practice. Every session leaves me with a wealth of information, all of my questions answered, and practical application of the topics we’ve discussed. She’s sincere, graceful, smart, and funny. Without a doubt, I recommend anyone looking for mentorship to lighten and brighten your day with Maryann’s wit and wisdom!”

Lorrie C.

“Finding a mentor in this field who has the right combination of extensive experience, ability to concretely share methods, tools and application, and is aligned to always serve the light, is hard to find. Mentoring with Maryann has not only been a fun and hilarious experience because her sense of humor is so enjoyable, and gives me confidence to do the work correctly. It’s brought me clear alignment with my own guides, greater discernment and new perspectives about how to approach different topics with clients. My scope of knowledge has increased tenfold and my time with Maryann is invaluable.”

Corinne R.

“Three other business professionals and I formed a specialized LLC in an evolving industry such that there is sparse salient industry information available. Having been keenly privy to Maryann’s decades of cross-industry business expertise and prowess from previous experiences, my business partners and I were eager to engage her services. Before this engagement, Maryann had not had relevant experience in this evolving industry; however, this was not even a speed bump for her. Within 3 days, she had mastered the pertinent information available and produced a robust Business Plan, Pitch Deck, & Summary document to be used for our stakeholder presentations. During the remaining week, she had continued to seamlessly collaborate with us to integrate market disruptive information which sets us apart from our competition while also discussing strategic and tactical plans which account for local and national socioeconomic factors; seasonality and cyclicality of product/service delivery; business continuity and risk management; joint community partnering and messaging; and investor positioning. Throughout the rapid paced process, she deftly included some well appreciated humor which fueled the flow of ideas as she produced templates for our on-going use to launch our business. In addition to providing expertise regarding financial baseline ratios, she provided insights regarding predictive metrics to optimize intended results and to prevent/mitigate undesired risks. Maryann’s decades of robust global experience working at Executive Levels was key to catapulting us forward while identifying opportunities for our competitive advantage. It’s clear that Maryann has market hardened experience enabling her to pivot across a breadth of topics with ease, accuracy, and speed. Her work ethic and quality of deliverables are unsurpassed. My business partners and I would highly recommend Maryann Kelly for her mentoring and business consulting expertise. Maryann is the real deal as she personifies professionalism!”

Jonathan Cabrera
“Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®) provided outstanding services related to contract revisions optimizing competitive terms keeping in mind risk, liability, and target market penetration; commercial writing; marketing strategies; processes facilitating operational excellence and best practices; and grant application completion.”
”Maryann Kelly (Intuitive Services Insight®) has assisted me one-on-one and I have observed her speak in group settings. She is (as they would say in Boston) “wicked smart”. Her experience as a C-suite player enables an enormous amount of insight to those who have business issues they wish to address in her readings. As an intuitive, I have a high degree of confidence in her readings and have found her insight to be very helpful.”

”For the past 20 years I have worked with various healers, teachers, and mental health professionals in the hope of treating some very complex and lifelong issues. When I first came to Maryann‘s website, I was struck by how different it was from most practitioners.

She’s the first person I have encountered that is able to navigate the complexities of the human psyche and spirit world while offering grounded, practical advice that is rooted in solid facts. She’s able to see your seemingly insurmountable problems and carefully and skillfully offer you a road map out from under it all.

I believe a large part of what makes her so good at what she does is that her practice is firmly rooted in truth and integrity. I trust her and I trust her advice. In our sessions I feel safe, supported, and cared for. She has the ability to hold space for her client so that they are safe to do the deep inner work required for transformation.

In January I decided to work with her weekly. This weekly work has accelerated my healing faster than all other practitioners combined. Blocks and toxic beliefs that I have struggled with for decades are now all crumbling. For the first time in years I have hope and excitement for my future. I am so grateful to have found Maryann. I would recommend her to my nearest and dearest. She is the real deal.”

Helena Devine
”Returning to work after meeting with Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®), during a session, was so much easier. I had released so much stress and negative energy that my workday became doable. Thanks Maryann!”
”I have personally benefited from Maryann’s (Intuitive Services Insight®) intuitive insights and leadership in the corporate world. This presentation takes me to a whole other level in enabling me to benefit from Maryann’s intuitive insights.”
John Howard
”I would recommend Intuitive Services Insight® for anyone who needs guidance in holistic body scanning readings, family who have passed, past life regression, or anyone who needs a mentor who truly wants to open up to their own intuition. For me Maryann has truly been a blessing in helping me in all of those readings and my spiritual growth journey. She is great at what she does and makes you feel so comfortable. Intuitive Services Insight is for anyone who is ready and open to heal.”
Alexandra Bolden
”Several months after this initial session mentioned above, I had another session with Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®) as I was not sleeping. After this second session, I reported to Maryann: “Last night was my first night of absolute deep sleep in many months, no dreams. I closed the door and it stayed closed the whole night!”
Randall Browne
”Several months after this initial session mentioned above, I requested a land and home clearing as well as having another session with Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®) regarding insights on my path and continued development of my intuitive skills via holistic work. After this session, I reported to Maryann: “The house and car cleansing really put my mind at ease in knowing that our land and home now are now protected. The session with Maryann about whether I was following my path in this lifetime really hit the mark when she described what it was that I felt in my heart. Thank you Maryann, this has given both me and my husband something we have always believed in but could now proceed with confidence and certainty.”
Monica Moo Chen Ling

”I take advantage of Maryann’s intuitive mentoring on an on-going basis. The way she can seamlessly integrate her decades of combined clinical, corporate, and holistic experience and quickly surface laser focused content that is relevant to my specific situations is amazing. She has very practical recommendations that are immediately applicable in daily life, personally and professionally. She enabled me to see more of the positive in life as a glass half full. I believe it is Maryann’s nurturing nature that enables her to connect so authentically to others, regardless of where they are around the world, as she truly wants to help others succeed and be happy. I highly recommend Maryann from Intuitive Services Insight®.”

Jonathan Cabrera

”Maryann has been instrumental in guiding me regarding business positioning to leverage my practice’s 30+ year successful track record in traditional veterinary medicine while highlighting the holistic and integrative modalities we also offer as an exclusive in optimal pet care. While making me aware of big picture options, she is laser focused on cost-effective results for both the immediate and longer term. Maryann deftly enhances target market social media content to identify and connect with relevant contacts for mutual benefit. She is thorough in content, patient in approach, and delightful to collaborate with throughout the project.”

Bernadette Spector, VMD, Co-owner, Gray Fox Animal Hospital
“Everyone wishes for a reliable, genuine and sincere source of help and guidance in their life. I can honestly attest that Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®) is such a source for people to seriously consider. I am grateful to have known Maryann for several years and during that time I have witnessed a true spiritual transformation that I have a great respect for. Her ever growing ability to receive credible knowledge and wisdom from other spiritual sources is a true validation of her commitment to a higher truth. I am a true fan.”
Rich Braconi, Spirit Medium / Medical Intuitive
“Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®) has been my professional mentor for almost a decade.  As my career has expanded, Maryann adjusted her role to be my Executive Coach. As consistent with many of her other recommendations from those on her teams across multiple decades, she has been the quintessential mentor throughout her career.  Her mastery of multiple areas of subject matter and proficiency in diverse industries certainly provide a broad foundation of knowledge; however, it is Maryann’s ability to tune into each individual, regardless of role, function, or title so that her mentoring is of the whole person in the context of what his/her life experience has been and what the individual’s goals and aspirations are.

“Maryann draws upon her decades of real world and real life experience to provide specific examples with practical applications that resonate and can be internalized so that I could then reapply her guidance in other situations of increasingly complex disruptive strategies.  Moreover, Maryann’s international work ensures that she is sensitive and aware of cultural norms that are to be honored.  Per “unit time” with Maryann, whether that be when I had been on her team or during a conversation with her while I was in another continent on the globe, I have learned the most by far from her.  She has an uncanny intuitive way of assessing how other parties may be impacted; identifying root cause especially when it has escaped others; and knowing how best to articulate a suggestion so that a pragmatic approach can be taken to optimize the outcome for a win/win.  Looking back over many years, I continue to be thankful to have Maryann as an Intuitive Coach who inspires me along my journey.”

“My son was both looking forward to and anxious about an opportunity to both facilitate and speak at a meeting involving professionals from all walks of life. He is more junior in the workforce. While other coaches had been involved, it was Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®), who in only 2 sessions, brought out my son’s needed and earned confidence. In fact, both regular attendees and visiting attendees both offered unsolicited praise for how well he had done at 2 meetings during consecutive evenings. We, his parents, are delighted in seeing such a wonderful transformation and witnessing our son receiving praise from a broad cross section of seasoned professionals saying how impressed they were with his leading and facilitating during annual kick off sessions. We are very happy and appreciative of Maryann’s Intuitive Mentoring Services. As my son says, it was an awesome experience!”
“With the recent passing of my wife, I’ve been fortunate to experience the reading and mentoring services of Maryann (Intuitive Services Insight®). Maryann connected to my wife and shared my wife’s thoughts and answers to questions that I thought would be forever unanswerable. For me, knowing these answers and understanding how she wasn’t really gone, has lifted a heavy burden. It was freeing to know that my wife was “having a blast” and “wanted me to be happy”. Maryann’s mentoring (Intuitive Services Insight®) has infused in me a new found freedom in my life and given me food for thought regarding my future and, most importantly, the nature of spirit. I’ve known Maryann for over 30 years in the corporate world and as a friend. She is one of the most hard working and caring people I know, and her integrity is unquestionable. She brings all her life skills and experience tempered with love to help others and me. I recommend the services of Intuitive Services Insight® to help you.”
Tom Olson

Paula Pennington Endorses Maryann Kelly Helping People Navigate Stress

Paula Pennington Endorses Maryann Kelly: Mentoring to Receive More Positive

Paula Pennington Endorses Maryann Kelly: See The Better Part of Oneself!

Gene LaPierre Endorses Maryann Kelly: New Contract Terms Reduced Risk to Business

Gene LaPierre Endorses Maryann Kelly: Helped Business Grow Faster & Move Forward

Gene LaPierre Endorses Maryann Kelly, Grant Writing Non-Profit

Gene LaPierre Endorses Maryann Kelly: Build Relationship with University of Pennsylvania PennCares; Help Establish Charity, Non-Profit, in Community

Recognize & Apply Intuition: Yours & Others

Maryann Kelly – Speaker & Mentoring Video: Cross industry professionals such as Dr Bernadette Spector (Veterinarian); Paula Pennington (Education); Jonathan Carbrera (Arts); Gene LaPierre (Arts); & Samir Shah (Information Technology) provided individual testimonials regarding Maryann Kelly’s outstanding Speaking and Mentoring Services reaching diverse audiences.

Everyone Can Access Intuition

Samir Shah Endorses Maryann Kelly: Intuitive Mentoring -15yrs Continued Corporate Career Success

Samir Shah Endorses Maryann Kelly: Intuitive Mentoring From Cubicle to Global Executive Exposure

Samir Shah Testimonial: Credits Maryann Kelly Intuitive Services Mentoring for Career Success

Jonathan Cabrera Endorses Maryann Kelly As Mentor, Speaker

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